Friday, May 11, 2012

Tartuffe Feedback


  1. Amelia M. Feedback
    Group 3
    -The modernization was different from the original play, made it more interesting
    -Group members were focused on what they were doing, made it easy to focus
    -Cassie H. got into character, good job!
    -Switched characters well
    -The group made the play funny and I got a laugh out of some of the scenes
    -Some of the same context, but it was a different scene overall
    -Group members were somewhat spread out when acting, but were kind of in a cluster
    -Peter L. made a good Madame Pernelle, played a good character

  2. Group 3: I really like the idea of the gang and the modernization was really well done. The group was focus the entire time, which made it easy for the class to stay with them and listen all the way through the play.

  3. This third group did very well with their modernization. I really liked how they interpreted the play as people in a gang and Tyler being an undercover cop. Peter did very well with his characters but he didn't follow through with the accent. Most of them really owned their characters and Cassie Scanlon's indifference helped her portray her characters really well. The swears usually helped out the dialogue, but sometimes they took it a little too far.
